Alan Crawley is an esteemed Guest Speaker in our Master in Nonverbal and Deceptive Behavior.

Alan Crawley

Degree in Psychology. Diploma in Non-Verbal Communication (Austral University). FACS Certificated. 

About Alan Crawley

Professor Alan Crawley holds a degree with honors in Psychology from Universidad del Salvador (USAL) and a diploma in Nonverbal Communication, Graduate School of Communication, from Universidad Austral de Buenos Aires.

He holds a certificate of Specialization in Facial Movement Recognition and Coding with the FACS Method from Dr. Erica Rosenberg at the University of Berkeley, USA.

Alan Crawley currently works as a trainer of trainers in Nonverbal Communication and is a researcher in the Clinical Psychology Research Team (IPCP Team) and an independent researcher in Nonverbal Communication.

Alan Crawley was also the Academic Director of the online Nonverbal Communication Congress 2021 organized in collaboration with the Behavior and Law Foundation, Spain.

In addition to this, Alan was the first Latin American to publish a chapter in a CNV academic book in English (2022).