Alicia Juárez is an esteemed Guest Speaker in our Master in Criminal Profiling.

Alicia Juárez

Member of the Behavioral Analysis Section (SAC) of the National Police force. 

About Alicia Juárez

Alicia Juárez is a psychologist and police officer of the CNP. Master in Forensic Sciences with specialization in Criminal Analysis and Investigation (UAM) and Master in Nonverbal Communication and Lie Detection (UDIMA and Behavior & Law).

She is a member of the Behavioral Analysis Section of the National Police (SAC) of the Central Criminal Intelligence Unit, General Commissariat of Judicial Police of the National Police.

Alicia Juarez has a degree in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid; Master in Forensic Sciences with specialization in Criminal Analysis and Investigation from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM); Master in Nonverbal Communication from the Distance University of Madrid (UDIMA) and Expert in Nonverbal Communication from the Camilo José Cela University.

Currently, Alicia Juarez provides training to National Police and other official organizations and participates as a lecturer in numerous national and international forums on criminal behavior analysis in its various specialties.

In addition, Alicia Juarez has participated in different works, being for example one of the coordinators of our book “Manual de Detección de la Mentira y el Engaño” and co-author of our “Manual Operativo del MetaProtocolo SAVE” of Behavior & Law Ediciones.