Rafael López is an esteemed Guest Speaker & Faculty in our Masters in Behavioral Economics, Criminal Profiling, Nonverbal and Deceptive Behavior & Anti-Fraud Behavioral Analysis

Rafael López, PhD.

President of Evidentia University

About Rafael López

Rafael López Pérez holds a PhD in Psychology. Degree in Economics and Business Administration. Degree in Psychology. Master in Research in Emotion, Cognition and Health.

President of the Behavior & Law Foundation. University Expert in Personal Coaching. Diploma in Management Skills. Diploma in Creation and Management of SMEs.

He is President of Butfly Group, which includes the following entities: Promoción y Divulgación Científica, SL (owner of the brands Behavior & Law and Centro de Estudios Superiores Emoción y Moda); Fundación Universitaria Behavior & Law (foundation for the promotion of scientific research in Behavioral Sciences); and Tecnología y Ser Humano SL (dedicated to the design, development and implementation of APPS).

Currently the Butfly group operates in Spain, Mexico, Peru, Guatemala, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Colombia, El Salvador.

Rafael López has published more than 30 scientific articles and several books and book chapters in different areas of Behavioral Sciences, having taught in many Spanish and Latin American universities.

Thanks to his work in the area of criminal behavior and support to the State Security Forces and Corps, he was decorated in 2016 with the Order of Merit of the Civil Guard (cross with white distinction).