Curriculum Overview – Master in Anti-Fraud Behavioral Analysis

Curriculum Overview

Master in Anti-Fraud Behavioral Analysis

Welcome to the Curriculum Overview of our Master in Anti-Fraud Behavioral Analysis program. This comprehensive program is designed to equip students with the advanced knowledge and practical skills required to excel in the field of fraud prevention and behavioral analysis. Our curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including forensic accounting, risk management, fraud detection techniques, and behavioral analysis strategies. Each course is meticulously crafted to provide an in-depth understanding of the principles and applications of anti-fraud measures.

Below is a detailed table outlining each course included in the program, along with descriptions and key learning outcomes. This structure ensures that graduates are well-prepared to tackle real-world challenges in fraud prevention and behavioral analysis.

Course NumberCourse TitleCredit HoursMethod
ISM500Technological Learning Tools.3This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the virtual learning environment. Students will learn to use the Moodle platform and Google Drive, engaging in activities such as online questionnaires, submitting assignments, participating in forums, and interacting with classmates and teachers in a virtual setting. Additionally, they will gain proficiency in creating accounts, accessing Google Drive, and sharing documents with peers and instructors. This training is highly beneficial in today's environment, where knowledge and utilization of these technological tools are increasingly essential for both professional endeavors and daily activities. Prerequisite: None
FBA505Behavioral Analysis & Fraud Management3This course demonstrates how behavioral analysis can provide crucial information for managing a fraud case. Alongside financial and technical analysis, understanding fraudster behavior elucidates the how, when, and why of fraud occurrences. Lying, deception, and manipulation are human behaviors that professionals combating fraud must understand. Currently, psychology and behavioral sciences offer valuable insights into the fraudster, which will greatly benefit students and introduce a new perspective in this field. Prerequisite: ISM 500
FBA510Linguistic Behavior Analysis3This course demonstrates how to analyze verbal and written behavior in the investigation of fraud crimes. The written or spoken statements of individuals can be analyzed to assess their credibility or to detect indicators of deception or omission of information. How can true statements be distinguished from false ones? How can one identify a fabricated story? Students will learn content analysis techniques and methods to assess testimony credibility, which are crucial in the context of investigating fraud crimes. Prerequisite: ISM 500; FBA 505
FBA515Nonverbal Behavior Analysis3This course demonstrates how to analyze non-verbal behavior in the investigation of fraud crimes. Fraudsters often carefully control their verbal statements regarding events involving them in fraud, but they typically have less control over their non-verbal behavior. Gestures, facial expressions, posture, and eye movements convey messages that can be assessed for consistency with verbal statements. Students will learn essential techniques for analyzing non-verbal behavior in the context of investigating fraud crimes. These techniques are supported by scientific rigor and help detect deception effectively. Prerequisite: ISM 500; FBA 505
RSC550Research and Scientific Communication3This course will provide students with a focused perspective on scientific research. Students will learn how to conduct literature searches in scientific databases, understand various bibliographic reference formats, master referencing according to APA guidelines, and gain skills in presenting their research through conferences and scientific poster presentations. This training will assist students in entering the realm of scientific inquiry and in writing professional work with heightened academic rigor. Prerequisite: ISM 500; FBA 505
FBA520Investigative Interview3This course focuses on how investigative interviews are conducted in fraud crime cases. The interview is one of the most frequently used techniques for gathering and analyzing information from victims and suspects of fraud crimes. We will feature leading experts in interrogation techniques and information gathering. Despite its critical importance, many training programs do not adequately teach the skills required to conduct effective investigative interviews. Students will learn to conduct interviews using strategies designed to maximize both the quantity and quality of information gathered. Prerequisite: ISM 500; FBA 505
FBA525Open‐Source Intelligence (OSINT).3This course covers the use of open sources to obtain information. One of the critical aspects of a fraud investigation is acquiring sufficient information about the facts and individuals involved. Nowadays, the Internet serves as a valuable resource for obtaining relevant information, but effective techniques are necessary for searching, acquiring, and analyzing this information. Students will learn OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) techniques for planning and executing information searches about individuals on the internet using the latest and most advanced tools available. Prerequisite: ISM 500; FBA 505
PRO625Indirect Personality Profiling3This course introduces the indirect personality profiling technique, which enables understanding how a person thinks and acts based on their behavior. Developed within the Spanish Police, this profiling method provides a strategic advantage in interviews, interrogations, and negotiation processes. In fraud management, profiling individuals allows anticipation and influence of their behaviors. Students will learn to outline personalities from behavioral cues and various observational indicators, making it a highly relevant tool for professionals dedicated to combating fraud. Prerequisite: ISM 500; FBA 505
FBA635Persuasion and Influence3This course explores the primary techniques of influence and persuasion in negotiation and collaboration processes. In managing fraud situations, negotiations or collaborations with involved parties are often necessary. Understanding how influence and persuasion operate in human beings can provide a strategic advantage in such scenarios. Students will learn strategies of influence and persuasion and how to effectively apply them in situations related to fraud management, thereby gaining a competitive edge. Prerequisite: ISM 500; FBA 505
FBA640Insider Fraud Prevention3This course will cover the main characteristics of internal fraud. Often the most damaging type of fraud for a company's survival originates internally, perpetrated by its own employees and collaborators. Understanding how this type of fraud occurs and learning methods to detect, reduce, and manage it effectively is crucial. Students will gain a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the insider phenomenon and how to analyze the behavior of this specific type of fraudster. Prerequisite: ISM 500; FBA 505
FBA645Fraud Expert Report3This course will explore the process of creating an expert report that can be used internally or in legal proceedings. Any behavioral analysis conducted in relation to a fraud case can be translated into an expert report. This document allows behavior analysts to present their work as a professional technical document capable of being presented before a judge or used for decision-making within a company. Students will learn how to construct an expert report using the behavior analysis techniques they have acquired throughout their training. Prerequisite: ISM 500, FBA 505
CAP701Capstone Project3 The Capstone Project is a multifaceted assignment that serves as a culminating academic and intellectual experience for students. The student will have continuous tutoring to support them with academic writing. In addition, the student will have to present their work in front of an online tribunal of professors who will evaluate it. This experience will be useful in the professional life of the student, helping them to condense the knowledge into a practical document and improving their communication skills in public. Prerequisite: ISM 500; FBA 505; RSC 550

Each course is designed to build on the previous one, providing a cohesive and comprehensive education that prepares students for leadership roles in the field of anti-fraud and behavioral analysis. Enroll today to become an expert in fraud prevention and make a significant impact in safeguarding organizations against fraudulent activities.

Evidentia University