
Grant Calculator

Grant Calculator

Up to $30,000 $30,001 - $40,000 $40,001 - $50,000 $50,001 - $70,000 Above $70,000
Grant (Percentage): 50%
Total Tuition Amount: $6,703.00
Monthly Payment: $519.00 (0% Interest)

Enrollment & Fees

These are the regular tuition rates for each of the programs. Be sure to check the fees in addition to the basic tuition to get a complete picture of what you will pay.


ProgramTuition/CreditTuition Cost
MS in Anti-Fraud Behavioral Analysis$340.00$12,240.00
MS in Behavioral Economics$340.00$12,240.00
MS in Criminal Profiling$340.00$12,240.00
MS in Nonverbal and Deceptive Behavior$340.00$12,240.00
MS in Sustainability$340.00$12,240.00
MS in Psychology of Negotiation$340.00$12,240.00
MS in Behavioral Cybersecurity & Cybercriminology$340.00$12,240.00


This includes costs related to tuition at Evidentia Univeristy. If you have any questions about any of these, you can consult with one of our enrollment specialists.

Registration Fee (non-refundable as per the refund policy)$160.00
Graduation Fee$130.00
Technology (each academic term)$30.00
Course Re-Entry (additional tuition fee may apply)$37.00
Returned Checks$37.00
Per Transfer Credit Accepted$160.00
Official Transcript (first one is free)$15.00
Library Fee (each academic term)$6.00
Late Payment Fee$37.00
Withdrawal Processing Fee$37.00
International student document evaluation (ISDE) Fee $315.00


Evidentia University is proud to offer various scholarships and grants to support our students in their pursuit of academic excellence. Below you will find information about our scholarship options and eligibility criteria..


Income-Based Grants

Evidentia University offers institutional scholarships based on student financial need and availability of funds.

To qualify, students must submit proof of income for the most recent calendar year. Grants percentages vary based on annual income, and may be renewed annually.

Household Income Eligibility% Grant
Annual gross income less than $ 30,000.00 in the year prior to the application.60%
Annual income $ 30,001.00 and less than $ 40,000.00 in the year prior to the application.50%
Annual income $ 40,001.00 and less than $ 50,000.00 in the year prior to the application.40%
Annual income $ 50,001.00 and less than $ 70,000.00 in the year prior to the application.30%

Community Partnership Grants

Grants for Companies of Special Interest

Evidentia University may award a limited number of scholarships to companies that due to their size, sector or other characteristics may have a special impact on society. A maximum of 2 full scholarships will be awarded per company per semester.

Evidentia University may also award these companies additional grants covering 50% of the total cost of the programs.

Grants for Non-Profit Associations and Public Entities

Evidentia University may award scholarships to national or international non-profit associations and public institutions whose mission or vision is to generate an impact on society. The number of full scholarships will be determined each year by the university’s board of directors and may be supplemented by grants of 50% of the cost of the program.

In addition to our institutional grants, other sources of financial assistance may be available locally, such as community agencies, foundations, corporations, unions, religious organizations, business and professional clubs, and civic groups. Students are encouraged to contact Evidentia University for more information.

Eligibility criteria for scholarships and grants

Evidentia University appropriates funds annually for the following institutional scholarship and institutional aid programs. Any recipient of a scholarship or grant from the University must meet the following eligibility requirements, unless otherwise noted:

  1. The recipient must be a full-time student (9 credit hours or more).
  2. The recipient must maintain a CGPA of 3.0.
  3. The beneficiary’s enrollment must be continuous and uninterrupted, unless otherwise indicated.
  4. The beneficiary must pay his or her monthly contribution determined at the time of enrollment on an uninterrupted basis.
  5. The beneficiary may not simultaneously participate in more than one institutionally funded grant or scholarship.
  6. Evidentia University alumni may participate in more than one institutionally funded grant or institutionally funded scholarship at a time.
  7. Amounts awarded under a grant or scholarship program are for one academic year and may be renewed by reapplication or in accordance with the terms of the funding.

Financial Info

Evidentia University offers you all the facilities to make payments.

Payment Plans

Evidentia University offers interest-free tuition payment plans for qualifying students. Application, eligibility and payment arrangements must be made prior to the start of the term/semester.

Financial Assistance from Evidentia University

For the amounts to be paid by students, there are several payment plans available. Payment plans are discussed during meetings where the student is evaluated, privately and impartially, to determine the amount of money he and his family can contribute to his education. This amount is compared to the cost associated with education, which includes tuition, fees, room, board, meals, transportation, certain living expenses, books and supplies. Payment arrangements must be made prior to the start of the semester. The University does not charge interest on your payment plan.

Payment types

Tuition and fees are billed on a term-by-term basis. Students on payment plans are billed monthly and are expected to make monthly payments on the 5th of each month. All account balances must be paid and settled prior to registering for the next term/semester.

Payments can be made by cash, check, money order, MasterCard, VISA, wire transfer or PayPal. Checks should be made payable to Evidentia University.

Textbooks and supplies

Textbook costs are not included in tuition. Where applicable, students may purchase textbooks separately. On average, the cost of textbooks and learning resources is $1200 to $1700 for graduate programs.

More info

Additional information of interest.

Cancellation and refund policy

If a student wishes to cancel his or her enrollment before or after classes begin, he or she must notify Evidentia University in person, by email, by certified mail, or by rescission. The cancellation will be effective on the postmark date of the notification.

  • Cancellation may be made in person, by email, by Certified Mail, by rescission or may be effective the student’s last date of attendance or the date of written notification received.
  • All monies will be refunded if the school does not accept the applicant or if the student cancels within three (3) business days of signing the enrollment agreement and initial payment.
  • Cancellation after the third (3rd) business day, but before the first class, results in a refund of all monies paid, except the registration fee (Not to exceed $150.00).
  • The drop/admission period is the first four (4) days of the term. If the student withdraws during the drop/admission period, all tuition fees will be refunded, except the registration fee. There will be no refund after the drop/admission period.
  • Completion Date: In calculating the refund due to a student, the student’s last date of actual attendance is used.
  • Refunds will be made within 30 days of the student’s termination of enrollment or receipt of the student’s notice of cancellation.

Grants withdrawal and reinstatement policy

Grants recipients who decide to withdraw from the university will forfeit any grants funds that have not been disbursed prior to their withdrawal. If the student returns to a program, he or she must reapply for the grants.

Course and program cancellation policy

A student who has enrolled in a course or program that is cancelled by the university will have the opportunity to enroll in another course or receive a full refund of tuition and fees associated with that course.