Collaboration Agreement between SUP and Evidentia University

Evidentia University takes another step forward in its support for the training of police forces around the world, both at postgraduate and continuing education level.

Evidentia University has signed an agreement with the Unified Police Union (Sindicato Unificado de Policia (SUP)), which represents a large number of members of the National Police in Spain. The aim of the agreement is to facilitate training actions in continuing education for members of this union in the field of Behavioral Sciences to promote the development of academic, scientific and cultural activities for the benefit of the National Police and society as a whole.

Through this agreement, members of the Unified Police Union (SUP) will receive further training in criminal profiling, analysis of non-verbal communication, behavioral economics, and behavioral analysis. The training will begin in the coming weeks with a first course on Introduction to Criminal Profiling and will be followed by other programs in various subjects.

Acuerdo SUP y Evidentia University