
Evidentia University at the 19th Conference of the International Academy of Investigative Psychology

Evidentia University made a significant contribution at the "19th Conference of the International Academy of Investigative Psychology," held from June 12-14, 2024, in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. This prestigious event, which brings together experts and professionals in investigative psychology, provided a platform for Evidentia University to showcase its research and commitment to advancing forensic sciences.

Launch of ‘Evidentia University Talks’

Evidentia University is proud to announce the launch of a pioneering initiative in the educational field: the "Evidentia University Talks". This series of events, starting this Monday, February 26, 2024, is designed to connect thought leaders, academics, students, and professionals around crucial social innovation topics. The inaugural session, titled "Social Innovation: The Key to Success",

Evidentia University and the Ministry of Interior of Spain sign an agreement for the development of external academic internships for university students.

Evidentia University of Behavioral & Forensic Sciences is pleased to announce the signing of an agreement with the Ministry of Interior of Spain. This agreement will allow our students to carry out external academic internships at the Ministry, both within the curriculum and outside of it. In addition, the completion of Master's theses (TFM) with

Evidentia University participates in the 10th Global Pensions Programme

Evidentia University is pleased to be part of the 10th Global Pensions Programme, titled 'Pensions: Solutions for Longer Societies' held at the headquarters of the Inter-American Development Bank. The event, which took place on June 20th and 21st, 2023, brought together renowned experts in the field of pensions, including Nobel laureates in economics such as

Evidentia University celebrates the launch of “The Behavioral Economics Guide 2023” and reaffirms its commitment as a Sponsor

Evidentia University is pleased to announce the release of the 2023 edition of "The Behavioral Economics Guide" and reaffirm its ongoing sponsorship of this prestigious publication. This milestone reflects our enduring dedication to the field of behavioral economics and its global promotion. As a pioneer in bridging theory and practice in the field of behavioral

Evidentia University Proudly Announces Sponsorship of the Florida Sheriffs Association

Evidentia University, the online university specializing in behavioral and forensic sciences, is delighted to announce its Bronze sponsorship of the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA). This exciting partnership reinforces Evidentia University's commitment to supporting law enforcement agencies worldwide, particularly in our beloved state of Florida. Evidentia University's support for the Florida Sheriffs Association is a testament

Evidentia University strengthens research in economic psychology with the participation of Rafael López PhD. at the URJC Colloquium

On April 25, Rafael López PhD., Provost of Evidentia University, had the honor of participating in the Colloquium entitled "Human Behavior, Management and Team Leadership: An approach from Economic Psychology", held at the prestigious Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) in Spain. This enriching event, organized by the

Evidentia University’s Provost, Rafael López PhD., highlights the importance of behavioral cybersecurity at the IV CYBERSECURITY INNOVATION SUMMIT 2023

Rafael López PhD, recognized expert in behavioral cybersecurity and Rector of Evidentia University, had the honor of participating in the leading industry event, the IV CYBERSECURITY INNOVATION SUMMIT 2023, held at the WiZink Center last April 26th. The #CyberSummit23 brought together professionals from the cybersecurity industry with the aim of disseminating, presenting, discovering and evaluating

“How to know if a partner, employee or collaborator is lying to you?”. Workshop conducted at Uppery Club by Rafael López (Provost of Evidentia University).

Evidentia University organized last March 3rd a workshop on Lie Detection ("How to know if a partner, employee or collaborator is deceiving you?") at the Uppery Club in Malaga. The workshop was led by the Provost of Evidentia University, Rafael López Pérez, Ph.D. and focused on how to detect if a partner, employee or collaborator

Collaboration Agreement between SUP and Evidentia University

Evidentia University takes another step forward in its support for the training of police forces around the world, both at postgraduate and continuing education level. Evidentia University has signed an agreement with the Unified Police Union (Sindicato Unificado de Policia (SUP)), which represents a large number of members of the National Police in Spain. The

Dr. Rafael López and Director Mercedes Dieguez propose the incorporation of the Chief Behavioral Officer as a key figure in the business world.

Next Thursday, December 1, Provost Dr. Rafael López and the Director of the School of Business and Behavior at Evidentia University, Mercedes Diéguez, will be the main panelists in the webinar "Behavioral Economics, a key driver of successful businesses". On this occasion they will discuss basic concepts of Behavioral Economics, explore the benefits of applying them

Evidentia University Anthem

Dear friends; We are pleased to share with you the creation of the Evidentia University Anthem. Here are a few words from the president. Dr. Rafael López Provost of Evidentia University. Being part of Evidentia University goes beyond studying or teaching at a university. We are a group of people united by the dream of

Francisco Pérez Fernández, PhD publishes his new work: “Suicide as a victim-criminological problem: A critical analysis”.

Francisco Pérez Fernández, PhD, a member of the faculty of Evidentia University, has just published his article "Suicide as a victim-criminological problem: A critical analysis" in the journal Quadernos de Criminologia. His work covers the fundamental aspects and topics for the analysis and investigation of suicide from a criminalistic perspective. In his own words, "in

“Retos” Magazine publishes a new paper by Rafael Lopez PhD on Game Theory

The Journal of Management Science and Economics "Retos", has just published an article entitled: Behavioral and psychological game theory: a systematic review, written by Rafael López, PhD, Provost of Evidentia University, José Luis Calvo, PhD, Professor of Economic Theory and Mathematical Economics at the UNED (Spain) and Ignacio de la Torre, who is part of

Rafael López PhD, guest speaker at the COP Conference on Psychology and Economics

On October 25, our Provost Rafael López PhD, was a speaker at the Conference on Psychology and Economics, held in Madrid, organized by the Section of Psychology of Work, Organizations and Human Resources of the Official College of Psychology of Madrid, coinciding with the announcement of the 2022 Nobel Prizes in Economics and the 20th

Evidentia University presents its “Library” tool to the entire university community

Evidentia University has presented to the entire university community Library. Library is one of the most powerful tools for the rigorous search of scientific documentation through different databases. The presentation was given by Ignacio Tolosa PhD, CEO of Evidentia University, Mercedes Diéguez, Director of the School of Business and Behavior and our collaborator Ms. Viri Rosas, who explained in a simple and

Faculty and Researchers from Evidentia University present their work at the 1st International Congress of the Scientific Society of Behavioral Economics

The I International Congress of the Scientific Society of Behavioral Economics, "Challenges of the new behavioral society", brought together an important group of teachers and researchers from different countries and disciplines, enthusiastic to present, discuss and reflect on the latest advances, research and applications of behavioral economics to business, public policy, finance and decision making,

Rafael López PhD, Provost of Evidentia University, has been appointed thematic editor of Retos Magazine.

Rafael López, PhD, Provost of Evidentia University and President of the Scientific Society of Behavioral Economics, has been invited by the journal Retos to be part of the editorial team of the monograph "Behavioral Economics and game theory: advances and applications" that will be published in April next year. Rafael López shares this responsibility with

Prof. Oscar Alvarez and Prof. Lucila Neri Pérez, two exceptional guests at the Master of Science of Nonverbal and Deceptive Behavior

Prof. Alicia Juárez has counted with the participation of professors Oscar Álvarez and Lucila Neri Pérez, specialists in forensic linguistics, one of the most powerful methods of deception detection nowadays. In this special session they shared and discussed with our students, ideas, learnings and questions from the contributions of comparative forensic linguistics. "The Liar's Verbal

Visit of high-ranking military and police officers from the Dominican Republic.

On the occasion of the visit of senior police and military commanders from the Dominican Republic to Spain, our colleagues from the UDIMA-Behavior & Law Chair, accompanied by our President Rafael López PhD, visited the Center for Updating and Specialization of the National Police in Spain. During the visit they were able to know in

Yirsa Jiménez, PhD, culminates her research and teaching stay at the University of Valparaíso (Chile).

Yirsa Jimenez, PhD, Director of the School of Behavioral Sciences and of the Master of Science in Nonverbal and Deceptive Behavior at Evidentia University, has carried out a research and teaching stay at the University of Valparaiso during the summer months. Invited by Héctor Berroeta, PhD, Director of the Center for Research on Territorial Vulnerabilities

Rafael López PhD, Provost of Evidentia University, receives the Medal for Police Merit with white badge.

Awarding of the Medal for Police Merit with white badge to our President and Provost, Dr. Rafael López, who receives it on behalf of Behavior & Law Research Fundation and Evidentia University. The award was granted in Madrid, Spain, on October 4, coinciding with the celebration of the National Police Day, in recognition of the

Evidentia University participates in #EUROCRIM2022 – 22nd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology.

The University of Malaga hosted the 22nd European Congress of Criminology (EUROCRIM) on September 24. Criminologists from different countries addressed issues related to prisons, criminal gangs, police, organized crime, drugs, restorative justice, prevention, juvenile delinquency, cybercrime, or the war in Ukraine. The congress, which was held in English, had almost 2,000 registered participants, who were