Rafael López, PhD, Provost of Evidentia University and President of the Scientific Society of Behavioral Economics, has been invited by the journal Retos to be part of the editorial team of the monograph “Behavioral Economics and game theory: advances and applications” that will be published in April next year.
Rafael López shares this responsibility with two prestigious experts in the area. Dr. Dr. José Vila (University of Valencia, Spain) and Dr. Armenio Pérez Martínez (Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte, Ecuador).
In the words of our Provost, this monograph is an opportunity to address topics of behavioral economics relevant to the analysis and design of public policies, market functioning or consumer behavior through a medium of wide scope among researchers, academics and experts.
Retos is a bilingual refereed publication, which is published in both electronic and printed versions and is indexed in prestigious databases such as Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index, Dialnet, Redalyc, as well as library catalogs of different North American, British and European universities.
This special issue opens a window to the dissemination of scientific research in a specialty that has been growing exponentially over the last 20 years. Although paradoxically, the incorporation of behavioral economics into higher education academic programs has been inversely proportional to the contributions to the field of finance, business and decision making among economic agents.
Evidentia University and the Behavioral Economics Society are working to integrate this science into the academic world.